In this video, Me, DuperTrooper, and Reese (DREASY) destroy a Pay-to-win Minecraft Server with duping. The server in question being "Fruity SMP" an LGBTQ Minecraft Server, This server is not only Pay-to-win, but it's also taking advantage of and profiting off of a marginalized group, that group being the LGBTQ+ community. We are all equal in the eyes of God, and we should treat each other with respect. ✌️ Support the channel by becoming a Channel Member! 👽The Boys👽 @TheDuperTrooper @WitnessProtectionYT (Thumbnail Artist) @bearbearer3674 @Cometify (Assistant Editor) 💥Social Media💥 → -------------------------------------------------------------------- 00:00​​​​ - Introduction 01:23 - Chapter 1: Oxycodone 05:38​​​​ - Chapter 2: The Banning 14:25 - Chapter 3: PRO DUPINGTON 21:34 - Chapter 4: DREASY --------------------------------------------------------------------- #zman1064 #minecraft